Buff Athlete Kennet Newall-Hearn shares his post-workout skincare routine

Buff Athlete Kennet Newall-Hearn shares his post-workout skincare routine

We caught up with Buff Athlete Kennet Newall-Hearn after a Hyrox training session in Greater Manchester to check out his post-workout skincare routine. 

Kennet pushes his body to the max, training to the limit every time he steps in the gym. But despite all that punishment, his skin is fantastic. 

Here's how:

  1. Wash away the sweat and grime from your workout with our Foaming Cleanser
  2. Keep your skin soft and smooth with our Daily Moisturiser
  3. Look and feel fresh and energised for the rest of your day with our Vitamin C Serum

Get your Gym Bundle and save 10% off a new high-performance skincare routine here - https://skinbuff.co.uk/products/the-gym-bundle

Follow Kennet on Instagram here.

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